Alps Orienteering Cup 2023 - Alpe Adria Cup Stage 2 Middle WRE->Entries by clubs (number of entries: 180)
Individuals/No club |
1. | Vaitkeviciute-Limante Reda | | M 12 | Individuals/No club | | |
2. | Maissen Caroline | | M 12 | Individuals/No club | | |
3. | Eensaar Rain | 8668772 | M 45 | Individuals/No club | | |
4. | Schlatter Stefan | 8110664 | M 55 | Individuals/No club | | |
5. | Sauter Silvio | 8651965 | M 65 | Individuals/No club | | |
6. | Wyss Margrit | 1280551 | W 70 | Individuals/No club | | |
ASG Teutoburger Wald |
1. | Risch Nikolaus | 8655477 | M 70 | ASG Teutoburger Wald | Germany | |
2. | Schmalfeld Venla | 8183119 | OPEN | ASG Teutoburger Wald | Germany | |
ASUB Orientation |
1. | Willems Pierre | 7211909 | M 65 | ASUB Orientation | Belgium | |
BSV Halle-Ammendorf |
1. | Schmalfeld Karin | 8028001 | W 45 | BSV Halle-Ammendorf | Germany | |
C.O. Aget Lugano |
1. | Foletti Alfredo | 8202488 | M 50 | C.O. Aget Lugano | Switzerland | |
2. | Poggiati Roberto | 8160556 | M 65 | C.O. Aget Lugano | Switzerland | |
3. | Pellegrini Vincenzo | 8311053 | M 70 | C.O. Aget Lugano | Switzerland | |
4. | Pellegrini Rita | 8170655 | W 65 | C.O. Aget Lugano | Switzerland | |
Clube de Orientação e Aventura do Litoral Alentejano |
1. | Wallin Ulf | 8450868 | M 60 | Clube de Orientação e Aventura do Litoral Alentejano | Portugal | |
2. | Gedin Gunilla | 8393008 | W 60 | Clube de Orientação e Aventura do Litoral Alentejano | Portugal | |
CO Engiadina |
1. | Gordon Riet | 8230958 | M 60 | CO Engiadina | Switzerland | |
Cordoba OLC Hunzi |
1. | Okle Martin | 8070566 | M 55 | Cordoba OLC Hunzi | Switzerland | |
Croatian orienteering federation |
1. | Mahović Teo | 8017369 | M 15/16 | Croatian orienteering federation | Croatia | |
2. | Solenički Gabrijel | 8068761 | M 15/16 | Croatian orienteering federation | Croatia | |
3. | Kelc Noa | 8051041 | M 17/18 | Croatian orienteering federation | Croatia | |
4. | Lesjak Jakov | 8500498 | M 17/18 | Croatian orienteering federation | Croatia | |
5. | Delić Petar | 7820618 | M 35 | Croatian orienteering federation | Croatia | |
6. | Pongrac Branimir | 8285921 | M 35 | Croatian orienteering federation | Croatia | |
7. | Markulinčić Predrag | 8110095 | M 45 | Croatian orienteering federation | Croatia | |
8. | Gobec Damir | 8411972 | M 45 | Croatian orienteering federation | Croatia | |
9. | Vujanić Filip | 8071660 | M ELITE | Croatian orienteering federation | Croatia | |
10. | Vujanić Josip | 8183010 | M ELITE | Croatian orienteering federation | Croatia | |
11. | Razum Matija | 8222112 | M ELITE | Croatian orienteering federation | Croatia | |
12. | Delić Dora | 8333356 | W 15/16 | Croatian orienteering federation | Croatia | |
13. | Rako Paola | 8300220 | W 15/16 | Croatian orienteering federation | Croatia | |
14. | Sakar Vukić Tena | 9008008 | W 35 | Croatian orienteering federation | Croatia | |
15. | Gobec Ivana | 8400004 | W 45 | Croatian orienteering federation | Croatia | |
16. | Jantar Sonja | 8044571 | W 45 | Croatian orienteering federation | Croatia | |
17. | Pavić Mirja | 8232323 | W ELITE | Croatian orienteering federation | Croatia | |
1. | Kachal Omer | 2071166 | M ELITE | EMEK IZRAEL | Israel | |
GOLD Savosa |
1. | Guglielmetti Francesco | 8446666 | M 65 | GOLD Savosa | Switzerland | |
2. | Guglielmetti Daniela | 8099999 | W 60 | GOLD Savosa | Switzerland | |
O-92 Piano di Magadino |
1. | Boiani Tiziano | 8150371 | M 50 | O-92 Piano di Magadino | Switzerland | |
2. | Minotti Olivier | 8300760 | M 60 | O-92 Piano di Magadino | Switzerland | |
OK Japetić |
1. | Lesjak Karlo | 7040704 | M 15/16 | OK Japetić | Croatia | |
2. | Sandalj Rafael | 7700554 | M 60 | OK Japetić | Croatia | |
3. | Delić Sara | 8328888 | W 13/14 | OK Japetić | Croatia | |
4. | Fabek Branka | 2442557 | W 65 | OK Japetić | Croatia | |
OK Jelen |
1. | Erben Jan | 8170806 | M 17/18 | OK Jelen | Croatia | |
2. | Fabijanić Daniel | 8482604 | M 40 | OK Jelen | Croatia | |
3. | Juranić Dejan | 8420983 | M21B | OK Jelen | Croatia | |
OK Kapela |
1. | Klemar Željka | 2144791 | W21B | OK Kapela | Croatia | |
OK Maksimir |
1. | Vukić Roko | 9008008 | M 13/14 | OK Maksimir | Croatia | |
OK Trzin |
1. | Giovannini Marco | 8420948 | M ELITE | OK Trzin | Slovenia | |
OK Vihor |
1. | Rako Jure | 7005141 | M 10 | OK Vihor | Croatia | |
2. | Rako Duje | 8420922 | M 40 | OK Vihor | Croatia | |
3. | Vuk Tomislav | 7778899 | M 45 | OK Vihor | Croatia | |
4. | Rako Sabina | 7003400 | W 40 | OK Vihor | Croatia | |
OLC Kapreolo |
1. | Schlatter Stefan | 8110664 | M 55 | OLC Kapreolo | Switzerland | |
2. | Grob Brigitte | 8090767 | W 55 | OLC Kapreolo | Switzerland | |
1. | Baechler Olivier | 1398463 | M 55 | OLC SKOG FRIBOURG | Switzerland | |
2. | Peissard Bernard | 8681428 | M 65 | OLC SKOG FRIBOURG | Switzerland | |
3. | Preisig Stefan | 2144839 | M ELITE | OLC SKOG FRIBOURG | Switzerland | |
4. | Grote Andreas | 8638368 | M ELITE | OLC SKOG FRIBOURG | Switzerland | |
5. | Cejka Kati | 8058516 | W 65 | OLC SKOG FRIBOURG | Switzerland | |
OLG Chur |
1. | Wenk Markus | 8003030 | M 40 | OLG Chur | Switzerland | |
2. | Rotach Andreas | 8442630 | M 45 | OLG Chur | Switzerland | |
3. | Maissen Frank | 1411844 | M 45 | OLG Chur | Switzerland | |
4. | Hefti Martin | 8200075 | M 45 | OLG Chur | Switzerland | |
5. | Puntschart Adrian | 8040962 | M 50 | OLG Chur | Switzerland | |
6. | Scherrer Benno | 8060970 | M 50 | OLG Chur | Switzerland | |
7. | Ruppenthal Marcel | 8300565 | M 55 | OLG Chur | Switzerland | |
8. | Giezendanner Jörg | 8650378 | M 55 | OLG Chur | Switzerland | |
9. | Wetzstein Claudio | 8653043 | M 60 | OLG Chur | Switzerland | |
10. | Sauter Silvio | 8651965 | M 65 | OLG Chur | Switzerland | |
11. | Hochuli Thomas | 8090158 | M 65 | OLG Chur | Switzerland | |
12. | Seiler Alfred | 8291150 | M 70 | OLG Chur | Switzerland | |
13. | Keller Adrian | 8080806 | M 70 | OLG Chur | Switzerland | |
14. | Wehrli Werner | 8641996 | M 70 | OLG Chur | Switzerland | |
15. | Wolf Dieter | 8662169 | M 70 | OLG Chur | Switzerland | |
16. | Schuler Frank | 8653030 | OPEN | OLG Chur | Switzerland | |
17. | Maissen Caroline | 8183096 | W 35 | OLG Chur | Switzerland | |
18. | Wenk Annetta | 8150382 | W 40 | OLG Chur | Switzerland | |
19. | Diethelm Gabriela | 8719066 | W 45 | OLG Chur | Switzerland | |
20. | Regli Franziska | 8178718 | W 50 | OLG Chur | Switzerland | |
21. | Scherrer Käthi | 8041671 | W 50 | OLG Chur | Switzerland | |
22. | Schuler Muriel | 8040871 | W 50 | OLG Chur | Switzerland | |
23. | Ruppenthal Ursi | 8190711 | W 50 | OLG Chur | Switzerland | |
24. | Zindel Angela | 8291264 | W 55 | OLG Chur | Switzerland | |
25. | Wetzstein Claudia | 8010667 | W 55 | OLG Chur | Switzerland | |
26. | Wolf Ursula | 8665422 | W 65 | OLG Chur | Switzerland | |
27. | Sauter Christine | 62881 | W 65 | OLG Chur | Switzerland | |
28. | Wehrli Christina | 8719045 | W 65 | OLG Chur | Switzerland | |
29. | Wyss Margrit | 1280551 | W 70 | OLG Chur | Switzerland | |
OLG Dachsen |
1. | Kohler Hansruedi | 8210654 | M 55 | OLG Dachsen | Switzerland | |
OLG St. Gallen / Appenzell |
1. | Wuestenhagen Rolf | 8120570 | M 50 | OLG St. Gallen / Appenzell | Switzerland | |
OLG Thun |
1. | Zueblin Reto | 8642072 | M 50 | OLG Thun | Switzerland | |
2. | Saameli Züblin Karin | 8641374 | W 45 | OLG Thun | Switzerland | |
OLK Piz Hasi |
1. | Schaffner Martin | 8630850 | M 55 | OLK Piz Hasi | Switzerland | |
OL-Team Bayern |
1. | Enborg Malte | 821217 | BEGINNER | OL-Team Bayern | Germany | |
2. | Enborg Wilma | 790713 | BEGINNER | OL-Team Bayern | Germany | |
3. | Danninger Bastian | 8333838 | M 15/16 | OL-Team Bayern | Germany | |
4. | Lauer Yannis | 8021107 | M 15/16 | OL-Team Bayern | Germany | |
5. | Cionoiu Daniel | 8007005 | M 17/18 | OL-Team Bayern | Germany | |
6. | Baath Ole | 8130206 | M 17/18 | OL-Team Bayern | Germany | |
7. | Lauer Linus | 8161004 | M 19/20 | OL-Team Bayern | Germany | |
8. | Körner Ralph | 8099000 | M 40 | OL-Team Bayern | Germany | |
9. | Enborg Andreas | 8071340 | M 40 | OL-Team Bayern | Germany | |
10. | Danninger Tobias | 8494948 | M 45 | OL-Team Bayern | Germany | |
11. | Cionoiu Gheorghe | 2041785 | M 45 | OL-Team Bayern | Germany | |
12. | Burgmair Markus | 8210469 | M 50 | OL-Team Bayern | Germany | |
13. | Lauer Thorsten | 8050573 | M 50 | OL-Team Bayern | Germany | |
14. | Hartung Clemens | 8196317 | M 55 | OL-Team Bayern | Germany | |
15. | Kolehmainen Ari | 8301162 | M 55 | OL-Team Bayern | Germany | |
16. | Lexen Dieter | 8442443 | M 55 | OL-Team Bayern | Germany | |
17. | Ostroushko Serhii | 2088499 | M 60 | OL-Team Bayern | Germany | |
18. | Zonato Stefano | 8668543 | M 65 | OL-Team Bayern | Germany | |
19. | Pohl Wolfram | 950726 | M ELITE | OL-Team Bayern | Germany | |
20. | Nürnberger Julian | 8101996 | M ELITE | OL-Team Bayern | Germany | |
21. | Lorenz Timon | 8011420 | M ELITE | OL-Team Bayern | Germany | |
22. | Körner Christoph | 8230289 | M ELITE | OL-Team Bayern | Germany | |
23. | Eckert Nele | 8055977 | W 13/14 | OL-Team Bayern | Germany | |
24. | Lauer Jara | 8220610 | W 13/14 | OL-Team Bayern | Germany | |
25. | Pühl Anne | 8072704 | W 15/16 | OL-Team Bayern | Germany | |
26. | Burgmair Juliane | 8230107 | W 15/16 | OL-Team Bayern | Germany | |
27. | Ahlbrecht Sarah | 8072007 | W 15/16 | OL-Team Bayern | Germany | |
28. | Baath Fina | 8018700 | W 15/16 | OL-Team Bayern | Germany | |
29. | Baath Lena | 8201060 | W 17/18 | OL-Team Bayern | Germany | |
30. | Geiger Lara | 8003006 | W 17/18 | OL-Team Bayern | Germany | |
31. | Schorr Carina | 8150985 | W 35 | OL-Team Bayern | Germany | |
32. | Enborg Anna | 8212177 | W 40 | OL-Team Bayern | Germany | |
33. | Danninger Alexandra | 8434348 | W 45 | OL-Team Bayern | Germany | |
34. | Lauer Claudia | 8240574 | W 45 | OL-Team Bayern | Germany | |
35. | Burgmair Annette | 1081074 | W 45 | OL-Team Bayern | Germany | |
36. | Lorenz-Baath Katrin | 8101006 | W 45 | OL-Team Bayern | Germany | |
37. | Cionoiu Michaela | 2041760 | W 55 | OL-Team Bayern | Germany | |
38. | Schultze Andrea | 9669336 | W 60 | OL-Team Bayern | Germany | |
39. | Parkhomenko Oleksandra | 8110889 | W ELITE | OL-Team Bayern | Germany | |
40. | Petrenko Galyna | 8307579 | W ELITE | OL-Team Bayern | Germany | |
OL-Team Filder |
1. | Rosink Marina | 8650645 | W 40 | OL-Team Filder | Germany | |
Orientacijski klub Komenda |
1. | Ficur Maurizio | 8011122 | M ELITE | Orientacijski klub Komenda | Slovenia | |
Quack OK |
1. | Poltera Gila | 8090856 | M 65 | Quack OK | Switzerland | |
SCOM Mendrisio |
1. | Pezzati Filippo | 8121160 | M 60 | SCOM Mendrisio | Switzerland | |
1. | Eensaar Emil | 8668769 | M 19/20 | SKM | Estonia | |
2. | Eensaar Rain | 8668772 | M 45 | SKM | Estonia | |
Steirischer Orientierungslaufverband |
1. | Hites Gergö | 8110169 | M 12 | Steirischer Orientierungslaufverband | Austria | |
2. | Stöcher Jacopo | 8002552 | M 17/18 | Steirischer Orientierungslaufverband | Austria | |
3. | Kradischnig Günter | 8611028 | M 60 | Steirischer Orientierungslaufverband | Austria | |
4. | Prutsch Joel | 8300083 | M ELITE | Steirischer Orientierungslaufverband | Austria | |
5. | Berr Hans Jörg | 8071282 | OPEN | Steirischer Orientierungslaufverband | Austria | |
Team Slovenia |
1. | Kölner Anže | 8639680 | M 15/16 | Team Slovenia | Slovenia | |
2. | Turk Nejc | | M 17/18 | Team Slovenia | Slovenia | |
3. | Kölner Blaž | 8280028 | M 35 | Team Slovenia | Slovenia | |
4. | Jevševar Bojan | 8639721 | M 45 | Team Slovenia | Slovenia | |
5. | Jevševar Martin | 8639717 | M ELITE | Team Slovenia | Slovenia | |
6. | Eržen Nea | 8044534 | W 15/16 | Team Slovenia | Slovenia | |
7. | Hribar Anica | 8639720 | W 45 | Team Slovenia | Slovenia | |
The Hague Orienteering Runners |
1. | Binsch Olaf | 8280169 | M 50 | The Hague Orienteering Runners | Netherlands | |
TSG Bad König |
1. | Thierolf Michael | 8090601 | M 60 | TSG Bad König | Germany | |
Turun Metsänkävijät |
1. | Kääriäinen Sami | 8670523 | M 50 | Turun Metsänkävijät | Finland | |
1. | Eglin Michi | 8270573 | M 50 | ULU`S REISEWELT | Switzerland | |
2. | Aeschlimann Ulu | 8638588 | M 60 | ULU`S REISEWELT | Switzerland | |
3. | Kohler Hans | 7206767 | M 65 | ULU`S REISEWELT | Switzerland | |
4. | Eglin Irene | 8060675 | W 45 | ULU`S REISEWELT | Switzerland | |
Verein Swiss O Week |
1. | Schneebeli Christian | 8062275 | M 45 | Verein Swiss O Week | Switzerland | |
2. | Hohl Michael | 2031024 | M 50 | Verein Swiss O Week | Switzerland | |
3. | Hohl Stefan | 7202632 | M 50 | Verein Swiss O Week | Switzerland | |
4. | Stalder Paul | 8151067 | M 50 | Verein Swiss O Week | Switzerland | |
5. | Schiess Marcel | 630822 | M 60 | Verein Swiss O Week | Switzerland | |
6. | Gürtler Stephan | 8022023 | M 60 | Verein Swiss O Week | Switzerland | |
7. | Ehrler Jürg | 8654157 | M 60 | Verein Swiss O Week | Switzerland | |
8. | Rufer Fritz | 8203057 | M 65 | Verein Swiss O Week | Switzerland | |
9. | Bieri Ueli | 8183086 | M 65 | Verein Swiss O Week | Switzerland | |
10. | Schoepfer André W. | 8045213 | M 65 | Verein Swiss O Week | Switzerland | |
11. | Aschwanden Stefan | 8638740 | M 65 | Verein Swiss O Week | Switzerland | |
12. | Grimm Röbi | 8226232 | M 75 | Verein Swiss O Week | Switzerland | |
13. | Steiner Isa | 8655290 | W 45 | Verein Swiss O Week | Switzerland | |
14. | Schmutz Erika | 7201269 | W 60 | Verein Swiss O Week | Switzerland | |
15. | Schorta Regula | 8120361 | W 60 | Verein Swiss O Week | Switzerland | |
16. | Lichti Aschwanden Nora | 1399676 | W 60 | Verein Swiss O Week | Switzerland | |
17. | Gürtler Silvia | 338836 | W 60 | Verein Swiss O Week | Switzerland | |
18. | Rufer Annemarie | 8020555 | W 65 | Verein Swiss O Week | Switzerland | |
19. | Schaffert Edith | 8003330 | W 75 | Verein Swiss O Week | Switzerland | |
Youth Advance Orienteering Club |
1. | Lee Ting Ho Gilbert | 8501199 | M ELITE | Youth Advance Orienteering Club | Hong Kong S.A.R., China | |